Theories - HÓX


Michael Hudson Explores the Origins and Consequences of Debt

Michael Hudson examines the historical evolution of ancient Greek and Roman monetary systems in his book The Collapse of Antiquity: Greece and Rome as Civilizations’ Oligarchic Turning Point. The book […]

Nuclear Threats and Political Desperation: Israel’s Potential War with Hezbollah

Recent talks with Scott Ritter and Colonel Douglas Macgregor exposed Israel’s main problems. They cover the political acts of Netanyahu, Israel’s military weaknesses, and the regional setting. Both warn that […]

Exposing the Hidden Forces: The Shocking Truth About NASA and Occult Symbols

In the world of conspiracy theories and hidden histories, few topics generate as much intrigue and controversy as the origins of NASA and the hidden symbols and terms that govern […]

CIA Didn’t Find The Spiritual Realm, They Found Something MUCH WORSE

AI-generated post, please fact-check before believing. The recent online discussions about a purported CIA discovery of a spiritual realm have sparked curiosity and concern among many. Allegedly, the CIA stumbled […]

How Zionism Indoctrinated the West with Ahmed Paul Keeler

AI generated post – please fact check before believing. The interview with Ahmed Paul Keeler discusses the impact of Zionism on the Western mindset and the ongoing crisis in Gaza. […]

British Elites FREAK OUT Over George Galloway Election Win!

AI generated post – please fact check before believing. In recent political news, George Galloway has won a landslide victory in the Rochdale by-election, causing a stir among British elites. […]

More trouble for NY Times after Oct 7 hoax exposed

AI generated post – please fact check before believing. In a development that has stirred significant controversy and concern, The New York Times finds itself under intense scrutiny following revelations […]

CIA’s Shadow War In Ukraine? US Spy Agency Set Up “12 Secret Bases” Near Russia Border Since 2014

AI generated post – please fact check before believing. The recent revelation by The New York Times about the presence of CIA secret spy bases in Ukraine for the last […]

Hidden History of Zionism

AI-generated post – please fact-check before believing. The hidden history of Zionism is a complex and deeply rooted topic that deserves closer examination. Zionism is not purely religious but rather […]

The Bible Explains WAY More About Race and Racism Than People Realize

AI generated post – please fact check before believing. The Bible provides insight into the concept of race, emphasizing that only one human race is descended from Adam and Eve. […]

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