Theories - HÓX


The Biggest Scandal in the History of America

AI generated post – please fact check before believing. The biggest scandal in the history of America has come to light, with reports from Michael Shellenberger, Matt Taibbi, and Alex […]

They’re lying about Alexei Navalny “Putin’s Enemy”

AI generated post – please fact-check before believing. The recent news surrounding Alexei Navalny has sparked controversy and concern. While American politicians and the media are portraying Navalny as a […]

Election Engineering Meets Social Engineering

AI generated post – please fact check before believing. In the landscape of modern democracy, the phenomenon of election engineering and its bedfellow, social engineering, emerge as pivotal forces sculpting […]

Russell Brand Responds to Coordinated Smear Campaign Against Him

AI generated post – please fact check before believing. The recent allegations against Russell Brand, including accusations of being a sex criminal, have sparked controversy and raised questions about the […]

This is the BIGGEST scandal in recent American history and the FBI is covering it up

AI generated post – please fact check before believing. The recent developments regarding the January 6 pipe bomb hoax and the FBI’s potential cover-up have raised significant concerns and implications. […]

NYT Pulls HAMAS RAPE Story from Podcast Over INTERNAL TURMOIL Over SHODDY Reporting: Max Blumenthal

AI generated post – please fact check before believing. The New York Times has faced internal turmoil over the reporting of a story about sexual violence during the October 7th […]

Khazarian Mafia: The God Eaters

AI generated post – please fact check before believing. The Khazarian Mafia, also known as the Kazarian Mafia, is a group with a long history of influencing world events, opinions, […]

What Trusting WEF Really Means

AI generated post – please fact check before believing. The World Economic Forum’s 54th annual meeting at Davos in 2024 centres on “rebuilding trust.” However, there is scepticism about whether […]

Ukraine Kills American Gonzalo Lira For Calling Zelensky is a Coke Head

AI generated post – please fact check before believing. The recent tragic death of American citizen Gonzalo Lira in a Ukrainian prison has sparked outrage and raised serious concerns about […]

The Ethical Tapestry of Humanity: From Historic Atrocities to Modern Bioethics

AI generated post – please fact check before believing. The journey through the landscape of human ethics is intricate and profound, marked by pivotal historical events and evolving societal norms. […]

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