Axel Pétur Axelsson - HÓX

Axel Pétur Axelsson

Axel Pétur Axelsson hefur ákveðnar skoðanir á öllu undir sólinni okkar, sem á efti að springa einn góðan veðurdag. Er fyrv. stjórnarmaður í Hagsmunasamtökum heimilanna, fyrv. stjórnarmaður í Samtökum um hreinorkubíla, fyrv. formaður í Húsfélaginu, í stjórn Hagfors Konstförening og í stjórn Norrænafélaginu í Hagfors. Axel Pétur Axelsson hefur rekið FrelsiTV ( og og Scandinavian Report á ensku ( frá árinu 2013 þar sem fjallað er um heimspeki, samsæriskenningar, Guðfræði og fleira áhugavert. Axel Pétur Axelsson er friðarsinni og mótmælir ofbeldi af öllu tagi. Aðalsmerki er þetta frábæra vers: "Því að baráttan, sem vér eigum í, er ekki við menn af holdi og blóði, heldur við tignirnar og völdin, við heimsdrottna þessa myrkurs, við andaverur vonskunnar í himingeimnum."

Michael Hudson Explores the Origins and Consequences of Debt

Michael Hudson examines the historical evolution of ancient Greek and Roman monetary systems in his book The Collapse of Antiquity: Greece and Rome as Civilizations’ Oligarchic Turning Point. The book focuses on the emergence of interest-bearing debt and the social and political effects it had. According to Hudson’s findings, these old methods paved the way […]

Michael Hudson Explores the Origins and Consequences of Debt Read More »

Nuclear Threats and Political Desperation: Israel’s Potential War with Hezbollah

Recent talks with Scott Ritter and Colonel Douglas Macgregor exposed Israel’s main problems. They cover the political acts of Netanyahu, Israel’s military weaknesses, and the regional setting. Both warn that Israel’s present path will bring significant issues for the nation and the whole surrounding region. Israel’s Military Definition: Weaknesses Claims Scott Ritter, Israel’s military cannot

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Exposing the Hidden Forces: The Shocking Truth About NASA and Occult Symbols

In the world of conspiracy theories and hidden histories, few topics generate as much intrigue and controversy as the origins of NASA and the hidden symbols and terms that govern our daily lives. Two distinct yet interconnected narratives shed light on these subjects, each revealing a world that operates under a veil of secrecy and

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South Africa Brings Case Against Israel to International Court of Justice Over Genocide Allegations in Gaza

AI-generated post, please fact-check before believing. In a landmark legal confrontation, the Republic of South Africa has brought a case against Israel to the International Court of Justice (ICJ), accusing the state of committing genocide against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip. The hearings, which commenced on May 16, 2024, centre on South Africa’s

South Africa Brings Case Against Israel to International Court of Justice Over Genocide Allegations in Gaza Read More »

Pro-Ukrainian Liberal Tries to Assassinate Slovakia’s Anti-War Prime Minister

AI-generated post, please fact-check before believing. In a shocking and violent event, Slovakia’s anti-war Prime Minister, Robert Fico, narrowly escaped death after being shot multiple times by a pro-Ukrainian liberal activist. This incident has stirred significant political unrest and prompted widespread speculation about the underlying motives and security failures surrounding the attack. Robert Fico, who

Pro-Ukrainian Liberal Tries to Assassinate Slovakia’s Anti-War Prime Minister Read More »

Dutch Parliament Member Criticizes Global Agendas and Discusses Sovereignty in Agriculture

AI-generated post, please fact-check before believing. In a revealing interview, Dutch Parliament member Terry Baudet provided a stark warning about what he describes as a covert global agenda to enforce a “Global Superstate” through policies that target farmers, manipulate economic systems, and potentially curtail personal freedoms under the guise of environmental and health initiatives. Terry

Dutch Parliament Member Criticizes Global Agendas and Discusses Sovereignty in Agriculture Read More »

Professor Jeffrey Sachs Discusses UN Dynamics and US-Israel Relations in a Volatile Geopolitical Climate

AI-generated post, please fact-check before believing. In a powerful episode of “Judging Freedom,” hosted by Judge Andrew Napolitano on May 15, 2024, Professor Jeffrey Sachs offers a stark analysis of recent United Nations activities and the complex geopolitical web involving the United States, Israel, and Palestine. The discussion revolves around a contentious UN General Assembly

Professor Jeffrey Sachs Discusses UN Dynamics and US-Israel Relations in a Volatile Geopolitical Climate Read More »

Israel/Palestine: A Perspective from Norman Finkelstein

AI-generated post, please fact-check before believing. In a recent YouTube video, renowned scholar Norman Finkelstein offered a critical perspective on the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine. His insights shed light on the historical and present-day dynamics that have shaped this complex issue. Background The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has roots in the early 20th century and

Israel/Palestine: A Perspective from Norman Finkelstein Read More »

CIA Didn’t Find The Spiritual Realm, They Found Something MUCH WORSE

AI-generated post, please fact-check before believing. The recent online discussions about a purported CIA discovery of a spiritual realm have sparked curiosity and concern among many. Allegedly, the CIA stumbled upon what’s been dubbed the “Gateway Process,” a training system aimed at altering consciousness and transcending the limitations of time and space. According to reports,

CIA Didn’t Find The Spiritual Realm, They Found Something MUCH WORSE Read More »

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