Hidden History of Zionism - Velkomin á raunveruleikana ™

Hidden History of Zionism

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The hidden history of Zionism is a complex and deeply rooted topic that deserves closer examination. Zionism is not purely religious but rather encompasses political and millennialist aspects. The word Zion has historically been associated with Jerusalem and the return of the Messiah in various spiritual traditions, including Christianity, Judaism, and even Zoroastrianism.

Zionism has its roots in ancient Iranian prophet Zoroaster’s teachings, which spoke of a divine plan culminating in the perfection of the earth and a new age lasting a thousand years. This millennialist influence spread to the Jewish people after the conquest of Babylon by King Cyrus the Great, exposing them to Zoroastrian beliefs.

The influence of Zoroastrian millennialism can be seen in Judeo-Christian beliefs, as well as in the Bahá’í faith and New Age teachings. This influence also extended to secret societies and religious movements like the Knights Templar and Freemasons.

Jews did not establish the early settlements in Palestine in the 1800s, but the German Templars, who were part of the Christian Zionist movement and played a significant role in shaping the region’s infrastructure and agriculture.

During the 1930s, there were negotiations and agreements between the Nazis and Zionist Jews that allowed German Jews to immigrate to Palestine. This collaboration, although contentious, sheds light on the complex history of Zionism and its political dimensions.

The history of Zionism is entangled with the rise of Sabbateanism, a heretical movement within Judaism, which led to the formation of the Saban sect and the influence of figures like Jacob Frank. The Saban movement sought redemption through acts of sin and influenced a significant portion of European Jews, contributing to the development of secular Jewish identity.

The Saban movement’s collaboration with influential figures like Adam Weishaupt and Mayer Amschel Rothschild and its connection to the Illuminati and Freemasonry further complexifies the history of Zionism.

The intricate and often controversial history of Zionism involves religious, political, and ideological elements that continue to shape the region and global politics today. It is essential to approach this history with a critical eye and an understanding of its multifaceted nature.

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