Undanfarið hafa skjöl og uppljóstrarar grein frá hvað ver raunverulega í gangi þegar falskur fáni var framkvæmdur í Douma Sýrlandi sem leiddi til ólögmætra árása USA á Sýrland.
Í myndbandi hér að ofan fer James Corbett rækilega yfir tímalínuna og slóð lyga sem leiða til dauða saklausra borgara. Alþjóðlegar stofnanir svífast einskis til að ná fram vilja sínum og koma af stað stríðsglæpum.

Í þessum atburði voru gashylki dregin á vettvang og síðan logið til um að þeim hafi verið varpað úr flugvélum Sýrlandsstjórnar.
Þess má geta að Axel Pétur Axelsson á FrelsiTV kallaði strax hóxið og lýsti yfir að um falskan fána væri að ræða. Íslenskir fjölmiðlar fóru allir lygaáróðurs leiðina.
Hér er heimildalisti frá Corbett Report:
Colin Powell’s Presentation to the UN Security Council On Iraq’s WMD Program
Cutting through media propaganda on the battle for Syria’s Eastern Ghouta
Syria crisis: Saudi Arabia to spend millions to train Jaysh al-Islam terrorists
Young children treated in suspected chemical attack in Douma, Syria
Trump blames “animal Assad” for atrocity
United States Assessment of the Assad Regime’s Chemical Weapons Use
U.S. and allies warn Syria of more missile strikes if chemical attacks used again
Statement by President Trump on Syria
The search for truth in the rubble of Douma – and one doctor’s doubts over the chemical attack
OPCW interim report (July 2018)
BBC producer: Footage of 2018 Douma chemical attack fabricated
OPCW final report (March 2019)
Leaked OPCW Report Raises New Questions About 2018 Chemical Attack in Douma, Syria
OPCW internal communique on leak
The OPCW and Douma: Chemical Weapons Watchdog Accused of Evidence-Tampering by Its Own Inspectors
PETER HITCHENS: My secret meeting with mole at the heart of The Great Poison Gas Scandal
Chemical weapons watchdog OPCW defends Syria report as whistleblower claims bias
7 (Bellingcat) Emails And Reading Comprehension: OPCW Douma Coverage Misses Crucial Facts
Narrative Managers Faceplant In Hilarious OPCW Scandal Spin Job
Fox News interview with Tucker Carlson
Bellingcat or Guard Dog for the Establishment?
Douma Videos and Photos analysis by Steven McItnyre
How the OPCW’s investigation of the Douma incident was nobbled